
Showing posts from November, 2022

Ownership and control: blog task

  1  Instagram is connected to other services beyond Facebook is an important part of the experience. 2. more creative freedom and producer control. 3. if one  Business collapses the other will be fine. 4. a smaller bossiness owned by a conglomerate. 5. Facebook and Instagram,     Disney makes movies but then also has related stage shows, theme parks, merchandise, soundtracks and events, Disney  buying star wars . 6.marvel,pixar,lucasfilm,star wars, Hulu, espn, abc Entrainment, abc radio. 7.disney acquired majority control of the streaming company BAMTech with anticipation to develop its own streaming service.

Audience: Effects theory

 1. Passive: This is the view that audiences  passively  take in information from the media and that these messages have the same effect on everyone. 2. Active: This is the more modern and generally accepted view that audiences  interact  with and make conscious choices regarding the media they consume. 3. Hypodermic Needle Theory This is the suggestion that audiences are always  passive  and therefore take the intended message from the producer as if it was injected into their minds. This assumes no individual difference in audience members.  4. INFORMATION/SURVEILLANCE:  The Times newspaper  > Why: It tells audiences important information about politics, the world and more. PERSONAL IDENTITY:  > Why: top boy DIVERSION/ENTERTAINMENT:    > Why: Newspaper. RELATIONSHIPS:   > Why: news uk 5. in blue  planet two trailer  VOYEURISTIC PLEASURE since  it shows us aspect  of real life and hidd...

Blog feedback learner response

  WWW: Your blog is up to date which is fantastic – it shows your commitment to the subject and that you are organised and meeting your deadlines. This is so important across all of your GCSEs so well done! EBI: Now we need to add depth, detail and accuracy to our work. For example, on the ‘demographics and psychographics’ task you haven’t correctly identified a psychographic group that you fit into (did you mean ‘Succeeders’?) It’s vital we learn the terminology and use it accurately in our work. LR: Copy and paste this feedback into a new blogpost called ‘Blog feedback and learner response’. Then, as your learner response write what you think the most  difficult  topic we’ve covered so far has been and why.  I think for me the most difficult was was the first denotation and connotation task the denotation was easy but conation was difficult because I had never picked apart  piece  of media  before it was hard  to find the deeper meaning in the i...

GCSE Media assessment: learner response

 1.  www: This is a very solid first media assessment that shows a good understanding of how meanings are communicated in media products. with some work on exam technique  we can push towards a higher level next time. Ebi:  Written English is an area  to focus on: your paragraphing is good but spelling is sometimes to focus on -particularly media terminology. - exam technique : read the question carefully  see q1 as an example . also, in q5  you needed to cover both aspect of the question. 2. q1 0/1 q2 1/1 q3 4/12 q4 2/2 q5 3/6 q6 3/8   3. q2 i was able to find the connotation pretty easily. 4. q3 I scored lower on this question because I didn't read the question properly. 5. Analyse the Heat advert featuring BeyoncĂ© to show how connotations are created to communicate meaning. [12 marks] Direct address of main image from the advert with BeyoncĂ© making eye contact with audience. this is also shown in in the middle image which said "catch the f...

Audience: Reception theory

1) What is the preferred reading of a media text? the preferred  reading is the ideology and belief that the director intended for it come across as. 2) What is the oppositional reading of a media text?  The oppositional reading goes against the meaning the producers are trying to create. The audience reject the intended message and construct an opposite reading instead. This can be due to their own social, political or moral beliefs and values.  3. the harry brown trailer makes  young people be written  as degenerates  and immature this is because all the issue in the film are caused because of teenage gang members. 4. young people may not accept  this depiction  of them as not all  young  people represent  themselves  like this.  5.  The Preferred Reading would be that the author, McDonalds, wants the audience to think that the Big Mac is not only something nice to eat but also a meal that is going to...

Demographics and Psychographics: blog tasks

1. they use age,gender,race, ethnicity ,social class. 2. Why are media companies and advertisers increasingly using audience profiling and not just demographics? ,  enables businesses to determine exactly where to invest their marketing resource . 3. What psychographic groups fit  YOUR  own interests and lifestyle? Explain your decision and remember you may fit into two or three different groups.   success  this is because  I  feel  like  I have my own goals and mainstream since I keep up with trends.