
Showing posts from December, 2022

Film Industry: Final index

  1) Film Industry: Marketing - Marvel Cinematic Universe 2) Film Industry: Black Widow 3) Film Industry: I, Daniel Blake

Film Industry: I, Daniel Blake

  1) What is independent cinema and how is it different to Hollywood blockbusters? independent movies  have a lower budget  and aren't mainstream.  2) What is I, Daniel Blake about?  Daniel Blake, 59, who has worked as a joiner most of his life in the North East of England needs help from the State for the first time ever following an illness. He crosses paths with a single mother Katie and her two young children, Daisy and Dylan. Katie’s only chance to escape a one roomed homeless hostel in London is to accept a flat some 300 miles away. Daniel  stands up and fights for his dignity, leading a one-man crusade for compassion that will transform the lives of a struggling single mother (Katie) and her two children. 3) Who directed I, Daniel Blake and why is this important k en Loach has been a director for over 50 years. He’s never had Hollywood success, mainly because he’s never wanted it. Loach’s style is social realism and politician  who fights for the working hard  class and pove

Black Widow: blog tasks

1) List the companies involved in the creation of Black Widow. You may wish to use  Black Widow's IMDB entry  to help with this -  see the company credits page  - but the answers can also be found above. Marvel Studios,  Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney+, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment. 2) What is conglomerate ownership and how does it link to Black Widow? its when a bigger  company such as Disney owns a smaller company such as  marvel  this links to black widow because they own marvel they can use  there budget to make the film better. 3) Analyse the film trailer for Black Widow. What aspects of the trailer tell you this is a big-budget blockbuster movie? the  colours used and  the CGI used shows the high budget. 4) How was Black Widow promoted to an audience? List at least  three  different methods used by the film's marketing campaign and  why  they were effective in promoting the film. Traditional methods such as posters and teaser trailers on TV and in c

Film Industry: Marketing - Marvel Cinematic Universe

1) How many films were there in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) at the time of this article? They have made 22 films. 2) How much money have the MCU films made in total according to this article?  $18.2bn (£13.7bn). 3) Why did Marvel create the Avengers films? 2007, Marvel was recovering from bankruptcy and had sold off the film rights to some of the company's most popular characters like the X-Men and Spider-Man but they still had the rights to the avengers  so they slowly     introduced them, the crossover was planned from the beginning  . 4) Who owns the rights to Spiderman and why is the character now appearing in Marvel films?  Sony own the rights to Spiderman film licence but he can appear in the MCU because sony and marvel are working together. 5) Which company owns the rights to the Fantastic Four and the X-Men? 20th century fox. 6) Look at the very end of the article. What has Disney announced regarding TV shows on their new streaming service Disney+? including one bas