Language and Representation: blog tasks

 1) Write a summary of the notes from our in-class analysis of the episode. You can use your own notes from the screening in class or this Google document of class notes (you'll need your GHS Google login). 

Camerawork and sound


Music - theme tune to Doctor Who. Very science-fiction - sets genre from beginning. Graphics on screen: title of show and episode. Simple text/font.


 Slow, clunky camera movement (due to technology in 1960s). Sound: hum of TARDIS (helps create science-fiction genre).


these thing in the first clip show us the age that this was created in and everything for example t he clunky camera movement this show that the camera movement and Technology made it difficult for them to make the the episode flow right.


Also these things effected the camerawork and sound: Flashback scenes - close-ups of Susan to show her emotion or misunderstanding.


Medium shot of Doctor holding vase with teachers in background - makes Doctor look evil. Close-ups of Ian and Barbara when they go into the TARDIS to show shock and lack of understanding. Hum sound effect for TARDIS gets across the fact that it’s “alive” - also connotes sci-fi genre. TARDIS sound effects when switched on


.Mise-en-scene: Susan - first introduced dancing and dressed as 1960s teenager (costume). Seems to be both typical teenager and alien. Costume and hair typical of 1960s. School - creates personal identity for audience.  all these thing show us what is normal for teenagers in the 1960s

Narrative and genre: Opening title sequence like a rocket taking off - sci-fi genre and links to 1960s space race. Enigma codes: mystery of Susan’s home. French Revolution book - “I’ll have finished it” “That’s not right”... suggests time travel. Dimensions - Time and Space. all these thing show us what a normal sci fi is like and why should be included


2) How can we apply narrative theories to this episode of  Doctor Who

Todorov's Equilibrium: there is balance at the beginning of the  ep but when the  teachers find out know one live at the address it start to destabilize  and gets worse throughout the episode 

Propp's character theory: the hero are the teachers and the villain is the doctor surprisingly as the doctor is represented and shrouded in mystery and is kind if cold towards the teachers  and is actually causing problems  for the teacher.

Barthes's enigma and action codes: for action I say when the teachers follow  Suzan into the junkyard  i thought something big would happen. for enigma i would say the Tardis taking off

Levi-Strauss's binary opposition:  good and evil.

3) In your opinion, what is the most important scene in the episode and why? I say Suzan talking about the experiment and about the 4th and 5th dimension this tell us what gonna be instore for the rest of the tv show

4) What genre is An Unearthly Child and how can you tell? Make specific reference to aspects of the episode.
 say Suzan talking about the experiment and about the 4th and 5th dimension  tell us its sci fi and fantasy when they say there from a different planet.

5) How does An Unearthly Child reflect the social and historical contexts of the 1960s?   unearthly child reflects the 1960s because at that time people were  studying space .


1) What stereotypes of men are reinforced and subverted in Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child? How?Doctor only talks to Ian - “Young man…” Ignores Barbara. Shows gender roles in 1960s. 
Barbara passes out on chair, Ian on floor. Protects modesty of female actor.

Gender stereotypes reinforced - school students, Ian and Barbara. Boys harassing girls in school corridor.

2) What stereotypes of women/girls are reinforced and subverted in Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child? How? 


Subvert gender stereotypes - Susan shown as cleverer than teachers.


 I feel frightened” - Barbara. Reinforces gender stereotypes. Ian - “I take things as they come”.

3) How do the representations of young people and old people in An Unearthly Child reflect the social and historical context of the 1960s? 
Age - Susan is typical 1960s teenager (pop music, hairstyle, dress sense).


Age/teenagers - “She might be meeting a boy”. Stereotypical teenager representation (note: teenagers were relatively new in 1960s).


Age: row between Susan and Doctor.


Representation of age: Susan and Doctor stereotypical parent/child relationship. Susan presented as rebellious teenager.


4) What representations of race/ethnicity can be found in Doctor Who: An Earthly Child? Is this surprising or not? Give reasons for your answer and consider historical / cultural context (the 1960s). Has this changed in more recent series of Doctor Who?


Racist representation from Doctor: “The Red Indian’s savage mind was blown”. 

5) How is social class represented in An Unearthly Child? Think about how education and knowledge is presented in the episode.


Social class - very middle class school and characters. Also all white.







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