Audience and Industry: blog tasks


1) Who is the target audience for Doctor Who? Has it changed since 1963?Long-running which shows it appeals to mainstream audience (age 10-40+) this shows that people are interested in the show since it been going on since  1963.Mainstream family audience – broad appeal as millions of people watch the BBC. an Unearthly Child given PG certificate – parental guidance.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

Personal Identity: maybe the dynamic between Suzan and doctor who this can be relatable for people who are raised and live with  his grandparents. 

Personal Relationships: I think the audience will most likely to follow the teachers on there journey as the teachers  represent the audience  and there naivety in the world of dr who as they explore the world.

Diversion (Escapism): classic  troupes  that  relate and educate us about this drama is time travel  space travel liens and different dimensions and just breaking the laws of physics and showing us things that we cant comparand altogether. 

Surveillance (Information / Facts): I would say doctor who does a great job of showing us how  to introduce plot points and and add decent amount of worldbuilding in the first ep  without making yoy feel you  have been given a massive lore dump or making you fill the pacing is off at all.

3) What additional Uses and Gratifications would this episode provide to a modern 2020 audience?

The 3 Vs

VISCERAL PLEASURE: Physical thrill of watching something e.g hairs on the back of your neck in a horror film, sport, big explosions. 

VICARIOUS PLEASURE: Experiencing something through the characters (e.g. time/space travel). 

VOYEURISTIC PLEASURE: Watching something you wouldn't normally get a chance to see (e.g. inside TARDIS).

4) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to An Unearthly Child? i would say you can experience all of them.


5) What kind of online fan culture does Doctor Who have? Give examples. sci fi.


1) What was the television industry like in 1963? How many channels were there?3.

2) How does An Unearthly Child reflect the level of technology in the TV industry in 1963? this show us what life was like back then and it also establish the technology for example when the Tardis takes off you see them moving around to to show it shaking a lot.

3) Why is Doctor Who such an important franchise for the BBC?  because it was the there first major franchise that really kickstarted there success and It has been launched all over the world through BBC Worldwide and generates huge income for the BBC

4) What other programmes/spin-offs are part of the wider Doctor Who franchise? torchwood.

5) Why does the Doctor Who franchise have so much merchandise available? Give examples.  because they have a lot of fans since its been running for a while.


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